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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why go Vintage?

Why go Vintage?
…or why we think you should go Vintage.
Editor: Cher [The Vintage Frames]

Vintage pieces are used to be known as old-fashioned, outdated and being second hand. So why do people actually go for vintage items? You may ask. According to our observation in today’s fashion scene, vintage fashion is back on the runway, reproduction or not. In many countries, the businesses of second hand shops and vintage fashion boutiques have been increasing for the past few years. People are slowly appreciating the wonder of vintage pieces. Take a look at the few points below the reasons people go Vintage.

Reason 1: Price
As vintage pieces are usually old-fashioned, outdated and even second hand, their prices are usually cheaper than the new season pieces you find in shops or malls. Furthermore, in any corner of the world, almost anything under the sun has gone up in price. Price has become a crucial factor when selecting one’s style. Vintage style is economical and can be very affordable.

Our selection of frames at [The Vintage Frames] is absolutely affordable. Everyone can own more than a pair of trendy vintage frames. These vintage frames are brand new dead stock manufactured from factories in trend-leading countries such as Japan and Korea during the 80’s and 90’s. Many of these dead stocks are still in good condition even after being left in warehouses for more than 20 years!

Reason 2: Quality
Quality is also one of the important reasons to go Vintage. As we all know that the qualities of today’s fashion items are made to not last forever, so that we can purchase new ones when the new trend comes. Most fashion items are mass produced in China, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Cambodia etc. where laborers and materials are cheaper over there.

Back in the 80’s 90’s, when life was simpler and when resources are sufficient, people are more serious in production and the quality of fashion items. Any grandma will tell you that fashion items back in their era were made to last forever! They are not kidding!

At [The Vintage Frames], our vintage frames are of better qualities than reproduction vintage frames from mass production factories due to different production methods. Moreover, our frames were made in Japan and Korea. Even our lower range vintage frames are still in reasonable good shape after hibernating for more than 20 years!

Reason 3: One of a kind/Unique
We believe that fashion trends should be fun and one of a kind. The creativity found in vintage items has no boundary. Every piece has its own history and story to tell. That is the reason why people can be such loyal fans towards vintage pieces. Vintage pieces can bring out one's uniqueness and can make good fashion statement.Vintage pieces are usually more daring in color and designs too. With little effort, everyone can be the center of attraction in a function or event. 

At [The Vintage Frames] we have many timeless pieces of vintage frame designs, watch our space for more updates!

Reason 4: Environmental friendly
Over production has been a serious issue in many countries that causes harm to our mother earth. Fashionistas who are aware of the importance of recycling go Vintage. Fashion lovers are starting to have more awareness towards the shortage of resources on earth and everyone should try their best to do our environment some good.


Wearing what your mom wears 20 years ago ain’t old-fashioned any more! It’s cool to recycle fashion!

Like our Facebook page and go Vintage today!


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